Robert Arneson - Natalya Hoover


The piece that I have chosen is titled "Fatal Laughs." As I looked through the different pieces done by Robert Arneson, there were a few that stuck out to me, this piece being one of them. There is a lot of things going on in this piece. You have a gun, a knife, an arrow, snot, as well as his eyes not looking like eyes. I wanted to comment on the gun first. The gun looks like it came straight from a cartoon. The way it has the smoke near the barrel and the line of shot from the bullet looking like liquid is interesting! It must have been done to keep the gun in the air. The next thing I like is the knife. it somehow reminds me of Juilus Caesar (I have no idea why). The way the knife looks is also cartoony. My last point of interest is his eyes. He obviously has no eyeballs but whatever is occupying the space in his eyes is captivating. This is a self-portrait of Robert and I wonder why he portraited himself as a man with a knife in his back, an arrow in his chest, and a gun to his head. I liked how as a sculptor, he is wasn't making your typical pots, vases, and bowls. Not only did he did sculptors of himself, but they also were never the same and had an "edgy" theme to them.


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