Shoji Hamada- Video

    One thing I found interesting from watching the video was the different designs Shoji Hamada put on his work. For example he used the paraffin wax to make his bamboo designs before another glaze was done that would make the bamboo art work be shown. He also did his finger pulled eyes design. Next design that was shown was the ladle pour design. Now this one is probably one of my favorite designs because of the contrast between the dark and white and how each ladle pour has a different look. While he was decorating the pots, he even allowed 2 of his grandchildren decorate. I thought that was really kind of him to do that. That shows that he's caring and compassionate that he would allow his grandchildren to decorate these expensive pieces of work ($5,000)!! I mentioned in my other blog post about how Shoji Made his own brushes out of dog's fur. That is really interesting to me and it was neat to actually see the brushes and how a brush could get made out of a dog's fur!
